In Crowland class you will find wonderful Year 1 and 2 children.
The children in our class are exposed to a broad and balanced curriculum which aims to meet every child’s individual learning styles and needs. The teachers in Crowland class work hard to make sure that every child reaches their full potential.
In Crowland we help each other learn. We listen carefully to what everyone has to say, and share all of our ideas. We always take time and pride with our work, and are keen to share our learning with others. We are all kind to our friends, and remember to always use our good manners.
Our classroom is a busy classroom, where immersive learning happens. We are a very independent class, and are encouraged to give things a go on our own before we ask an adult. We are always busy with our learning jobs, however we still make time for story time, news time and games!
You will be able to find out all about our learning over the year on this page, as well as on class dojo.
We are so excited to see what this year holds!
Crowland Class.