
Children are admitted to our school in the September following their fourth birthday. Parents wishing to enrol their child for a place at our school must do so in the year before their child’s expected admission to school. If applications exceed the number of places available, the Governing Body of the school will award places in accordance with the criteria set out in the School’s Admission Policy (copy available on request). Applications must be made through Lincolnshire County Council. Please refer to the Lincolnshire County Council website admissions page for the closing date (which changes each year) . Further information is available from the school.

Swineshead's Admissions (LCC website)


Sainsburys School Games Silver 2014/15Active Mark - Rewarding CommitmentEco-SchoolsArtsMark AwardHealtrhy Schools Food for Life - Silver AwardInvestors in People Trained Educational Visits Coordinator 2023Excellence in inclusive staff developmentFSE

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